The strength


She was restless ,she tried to figure it out but couldn’t .

Why was she feeling like this,it was totally expexcted.  

At  this stage of life when she was in her mid of 26 th and single .

It was totally okay to feel misfit,you know.

As all friends were already  married ,few left ones are busy with their rokas and engagements.Few were busy with their jobs and kids

 So wasn’t it expected to feel lonely as she was loosing all her support system from her family too.

Somehow she too felt herself responsible for not getting a suitable match till now.

As she  rejected  all those prespective grooms at the age of 22 to 25 for her long term boyfriend who just gave up on her simply like that and moved on.

So ,she was left with nothing in her hand but what was making her feel so helpless ??

Wasn’t that obvious, after all she made a mistake by not getting married at an  early  age of 23 or 24. 

Was her desicions ,her choices was really a mistake?? 

The girl who never used to doubt her decisions failed to answer herself.

  At every single night while trying to sleep ,her friend’s voice echoed in her ears “don’t be so choosy “.

Some aunty saying “what do you expect in late 20s ,you don’t have much choices”.

Someone saying “if you find someone just get settled now ,don’t keep finding faults”.

After all it  was expected .

She used to stay alone now as her flatmate got married too.   

 They try to catch up once in a while but doesn’t happen often.

She was thinking to shift her hometown ,may be she will be able to find a decent job their and spend time with her parents but then remembered their tensed face and staying infront of them 24 by 7 is only going to give them more stress by reminding that their daughter is still unmarried. 
So she decided to stay there only  lead her life as she have always wanted to ,and not think about what if she will not get a suitable match ever .

​​pic courtesy: ideal indian

She shrugged off all her thoughts .

It was ashtami(eighth day of  navratri) she had to get ready to for aarti (Evening prayer).

After all maa shakti ( goddess durga) will definitely give her strength to take control of her life even if she doesn’t get a suitable match.

Author’s note : We are worshipping goddess durga but we can not let a single women live peacefully by constantly reminding her that she was incapable of getting a suitable match ,even her own freinds will constantly feel pity for her.Can’t we just leave it to maa shakti,and that girl herself to get the “shakti” to live her life alone till she finds the one.

Their life is already tough lets not make it more tough.


80 thoughts on “The strength

    1. Yes Wendy totally agreed, just being yourself should be so natural and without any complications.But sometimes its one of the hardest things to do .Thanks a lot for reading and getting the essence in spite of being someone who is not from India:)

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Wow Girl. What a strong message to Indian Parents.
    I too got married at 29 and faced the same story like you.
    I’m happy, you bought Maa Durga as an Example of Strength into this.
    Why do people want you to live, they way, they had been thought to ?
    Even boys today get married late and have no problems marrying a girl elder to them.
    Be Strong Girlie.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear Girls!! If boys can extend the age bars to 28 to 35.. you can also do the same.. so chill… focus on your career, rest will fall in place in the right time!! Cheers 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. great message to indian parents…infact we, especially girls are tuned to this custom upto some extent and rarely raise our it’s high time for the parents to wake up

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes that’s true akhila ,infact married or not its strictly personnel choice and circumstances ,it doesn’t define us .People need to see us above this all marriage thing .I am not against at marriage at certain age but in case it doesn’t happen ,we don’t need to keep reminding girls and her parents the same thing.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I understand this situation. I’ll tell u why society tells u to get married before 30. Because beyond 30 when u want to have a child due to biological aspects complications might just start to arise.the 2nd reason could be their own orthodox mindset.
    Since age u mentioned was 26 I think its not that late as people think. This is right age as u people find little stability financially and emotionally in their life and are matured to take appropriate decision.
    Waise . kuch to log kahenge. Logon ka kaam hain kehna


      1. Absolutely.. But u shouldn’t be worried about how people judge u. Because people are less bothered about ur situations and dreams . when u believe in ur reasons and u have clear vision of how u make ur life then rest distraction should be ignored. I know relatives do pressurize to get married but that’s how their brains are designed .

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Such a incredible piece of work many should read. Being married or unmarried does not have anything to do with you as a person. Marriage is beautiful but it doesn’t define you as a person. I don’t know why some people pressure others to get married

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Such deeply rooted customs and traditions are hard to erase. A belief system based in superstition and elitism are even harder. Although it will take a very long time to eradicate prejudice, bullying and egoism, it cannot happen without there firstly being those courageous enough to stand and speak their truth.
    Well said; I hope your words are heard/read, and begin/strengthen the road to enlightenment for many.

    Liked by 2 people

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