Writer’s block

There  are  times when  words  are pouring  out 
Completely in resonance with my thoughts

I dont even have to put  in much efforts

But  there  are   times 

when  I  feel  so   blank 

When words come 

Idea vanishes

And when idea reflects

Words doesnt strikes

When both are there 

They doesnt synchronize

Then I sit there staring in the blank

Wishing to fill that notepad

Oh  wait 

I got to go

To  get  some   coffee

May  be  it  will  help
 to  compete my story 

And may  be than I can 
make my  next plot

And get over this 

Writer’s block

64 thoughts on “Writer’s block

  1. I love your blog! So beautiful! I nominated you for the 3 quotes for 3 days challenge
    The rules of this 3 DAY QUOTE CHALLENGE are

    3 Quotes for 3 days.

    3 Nominees each day.(No repetition)

    Thank the person who nominated you.

    Inform the nominees

    Good luck. Happy blogging!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for reading 🙂 ,I would suggest when once in a while it arrives embrace it and consider it as a break for yourself 🙂 🙂 .so that you can start off again with that spark that’s always within you


  2. You are not alone! As much as I despise being unable to put my thoughts into words a little rest from time to time is good for the soul…may your muse revisit you and may your block be melted into something sweet and wonderful!

    Liked by 1 person

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